Unitarian Universalism

The Unitarian Universalist congregation’s fragile ecosystem

The social ecosystems of our churches are at risk at the local community level, at the congregational level, and at the denominational level.

Unitarian Universalism

Concluding my professional service to UU organizations

Stepping down as editor of UU World magazine marks the end of 25 years of professional service to Unitarian Universalist communities.

Unitarian Universalism

Unitarian Universalism’s many definitions.

Sampling from a survey.

Music Unitarian Universalism

Desert island hymns!

What are your all-time favorite hymns from a Unitarian Universalist hymnal?

Sociology of Religion Unitarian Universalism

Unitarian Universalism: In search of a definition

A sampler of contemporary scholarly descriptions of Unitarian Universalism from assorted general reference works on religion.

Unitarian Universalism

Unitarian Universalist blog watch.

Interesting posts from the Unitarian Universalist blogosphere.

Journalism Unitarian Universalism

The new UU World.

People are discussing it at Beliefnet.

Unitarian Universalism Worship

The golden chalice.

‘Other denominations don’t make a fetish of their logos the way we do of ours.’

Culture Science Unitarian Universalism

Science and its metaphors.

My review of Mary Midgley’s ‘The Myths We Live By’ and Ursula Goodenough’s ‘The Sacred Depths of Nature.’

Unitarian Universalism Worship

Can humanists ‘worship’?

‘Yet always, and always, there remains more mystery to explore, more to be discovered than understood.’